Jacksonville Axemen Rugby League


Matt Thornton, Jacksonville Axemen standout and owner of Meridian Fitness in Ponte Vedra offers his Rugby Fit Class to anyone looking for an extra boost to their fitness routine. The Rugby Fit Class incorporates the kind of conditioning exercises needed to be in shape for a typical rugby league game and combines these exercises with resistance training like dumbbells, body weight, and stretch bands. Matt starts the fit class with a warm-up and then the workout generally consists of 8-10 resistance exercises and 2 or 3 short, but very intense cardio exercises. The goal is to train with maximum effort on every set, get the heart rate way up, then rest and recuperate and do it again. This type of anaerobic training burns fat, builds lean muscle, and keeps the body fit and trim. Included in the class are exercises which hit the stomach and low back. Targeting these areas firm up problem spots and keep the midsection strong and pain free. Rugby Fit Classes cost $10 per person and are held every Tues and Thurs at 6am and 5:30pm. For more information go to www.meridianfitness.com